
Dedicated To Quality

Delivering High Quality Conversion And Customer Service

We have experienced the privilege of working with a variety of clients over the years. One common feature these clients look for is an imaging partner that can deliver high caliber results in image quality, customer service, and meeting deadlines.

We helped convert over 15 years of Time Roll sheets throughout the departments under the City’s payroll.

These documents originated from paper, which were carefully scanned into PDF format. Each record was then sorted by date and indexed by employee number so they could be easily located.

Converted several years of retirement plans into PDF. The records were microfilmed for long-term archival, then saved into multipage PDF with OCR.

Bookmarks and hyperlinks were also created to conveniently ‘jump’ to each chapter.

Scanned several decades of 35mm film chips showing seismic activity across the globe.

Custom condensing lenses were installed in our fiche equipment to capture the entire area on the film.

Scanned over 10 years of large format paper seismographs. The graphs were scanned into digital format at a resolution capable for computer tracing and measuring mathematical data during each seismic event.

Scanned and digitized various engineering drawings of satelites stored on microfiche and aperture cards. Custom software was used to enhance the legibility of the documents before saving into digital format.

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